Secure Your Future: Trust Our Trusted Upton Estate Planning Attorney
Worrying about the unknown is never easy, especially when it comes to the future. But with the expertise of a Upton estate planning lawyer on your side, you can rest easy knowing your loved ones will be cared for, even when you’re gone.
At the Socius Law Firm, we understand the significance of a tailored estate plan. Beyond providing peace of mind, our personalized approach lightens the burden for everyone involved during difficult times. By mapping out a comprehensive strategy, we ensure your loved ones have the support and resources they need to navigate any challenges.
Discover the Benefits for Your Family: Schedule a Complimentary Consultation with Todd Rosenfield.
Curious about how our services can make a difference in your life? Don’t hesitate to reach out to Todd Rosenfield today. With his extensive experience in estate planning, he’s ready to offer you a complimentary 60-minute consultation. During this session, you’ll have the opportunity to address any concerns or questions regarding estate planning and its profound advantages for yourself and your loved ones.
Secure your family’s future. Contact us today for peace of mind tomorrow.
What Is Estate Planning?
Estate Planning in Upton: Expert Assistance Tailored to Your Circumstances
When it comes to estate planning, precision is key. That’s why Attorney Todd Rosenfield in Upton takes a meticulous approach, ensuring that every aspect of your unique circumstances is accounted for.
From drafting a comprehensive will to establishing trusts and designating guardianship for minors, Rosenfield covers it all. With his expertise, you can seamlessly navigate the intricate process of asset distribution and ensure the well-being of your loved ones in both life and after your passing.
By focusing on your individual needs, Rosenfield creates a personalized estate plan that goes beyond the basics. From setting up charitable trusts to granting powers of attorney, his comprehensive approach gives you peace of mind and confidence in secure and confidential asset transfer.
Choose the knowledgeable and empathetic guidance of Attorney Todd Rosenfield for a successful outcome in your estate planning journey.
Why Is Estate Planning Vital?
Estate planning plays a crucial role in protecting your assets and securing the future of your loved ones. Failing to have a well-executed plan in place can jeopardize their inheritances and create financial burdens.
In Massachusetts, the court will distribute your assets according to the provisions of your will. However, this can lead to excessive paperwork and expenses for your grieving family members. Even with a will, there may still be difficult decisions to make regarding your finances and medical care in the event of disability. Without a will, your family will have no knowledge of your wishes after you’re gone, leaving asset distribution up to state laws that may not align with your desires. These situations can result in family conflicts and emotional strain, draining both emotions and bank accounts – a legacy no one desires.
To avoid these potential pitfalls, it is wise to take proactive measures by reaching out to our experienced Upton estate planning attorneys. Our services are specifically tailored to protect your wealth, including covering nursing care bills, and ensuring it goes to your intended beneficiaries without the need for probate court interference that could strain family relationships.
Furthermore, we offer guardianship arrangements to safeguard the future of your young children and uphold your values in your absence. With our expertise, you can trust that we will communicate and enforce your wishes effectively – a priceless shield safeguarding all that matters to you!
What Can Our Upton Estate Planning Attorney Do For You?
Establishing an estate plan is a critical step for anyone, regardless of age or health. Whether you own property or have dependents, our estate planning attorney at Todd Rosenfield Law Firm is here to help. With almost 30 years of experience crafting personalized estate plans for Massachusetts residents, our team is well-equipped to assist you. We understand the importance of addressing your concerns and providing you with options that suit your needs. Let us take care of the paperwork while you focus on enjoying the present. Contact us today to schedule your complimentary hour consultation and take the first step towards securing your future.

Questions Our Clients Often Ask
At the Socius Law Firm, we believe estate planning is a process where you design a blueprint that:
- allows you to control your property when you are alive and well
- enables you to control how your & your loved ones are cared for in the event of incapacity
- allows you to control how your assets are managed, used and passed in the event of your death
- enables you to save every last tax dollar, professional and court cost.
While this is typically accomplished through a set of estate planning documents, it is crucial to keep in mind that estate planning is not only about the documents themselves. It is about making a series of informed decisions and taking a series of thoughtful actions, all of which are designed to ensure that in the event of your incapacity or death, things will transition in the way you would have hoped, with the least disruption possible and with minimal or no intrusion by the court.
Learn more about the Socius Law Firm's unique 6-Step Estate Planning Process.
Both a Will and a Trust are useful estate planning documents, but understanding their differences will help you decide which is right for your particular estate planning objectives and personal circumstances.
Find out why a Will alone may not be the best choice for you and your family by viewing our side-by-side comparison chart.
As the foundation of the modern estate plan, a Revocable Trust helps you control how your assets are managed and used while you are alive and well, if you become incapacitated, and after you die.
A Living Trust enables the coordinated distribution of all of your assets, while maintaining the greatest degree of asset control and flexibility - both during your lifetime and after death.
There are many important benefits of Trusts beyond federal and MA estate tax considerations such as:
- Avoiding probate and ensuring a smooth transition
- Protecting assets
- Planning for incapacity or disability (without Court oversight)
- Controlling distributions to beneficiaries (give what you have…to whom you want, the way you want, when you want)
- Maintaining 100% privacy
We offer four levels of comprehensive estate planning - each highly customized to meet your unique family situation. Plan fees are dependent upon your personal values, goals and objectives.
From starter plans primarily for families with young children and little in the way of financial wealth, to more robust plans for well-established families who want to avoid probate, provide asset protection and eliminate or minimize estate taxes, we offer estate planning levels to meet your needs and objectives. Estate planning fees generally range from $1,200.00 up to $8,500.00 on the high end for an extensive estate plan. We also offer several advanced estate planning options for those who need even more planning.
At the Socius Law Firm, we have established a unique estate planning process where we listen and learn about you, your family and personal circumstances, thoroughly explain the estate planning options available to you and custom design, implement and maintain a comprehensive estate plan that reflects your specific concerns, fears, goals and objectives. Our process is designed to ensure your confidence at each step along the way, from the initial planning meeting through the delivery and implementation of your completed plan and beyond. The ultimate outcome of our estate planning process is to give you peace of mind.
We all like to put off important tasks and wait until the very last minute, this includes estate planning. There is always “something” that would be more fun to spend time doing or money on. However, honestly there are few things that are more important and none that are a better investment for yourself and your family. Take the first step….
Probate is a process whereby the Probate Court supervises the transfer of assets from a person who has passed away to the new lawful owners.
Probate is generally a long, frustrating and expensive process. Much of our practice is devoted to using trusts and other planning tools to help our clients avoid probate altogether. However, for families who did not do probate avoidance planning, we are frequently hired to guide them through the probate process.
If you become mentally incapacitated, you won’t be able to manage your own financial affairs. Many are under the mistaken impression that their spouse or adult children can automatically take over for them in case they become incapacitated. The truth is that for others to be able to manage your finances, they must petition the Probate Court to declare you legally incompetent.
This process can be lengthy, costly and stressful. Even if the court appoints the person you would have chosen, they may have to come back to the Probate Court every year and show how they are spending and investing the money.
If you want your family to be able to immediately take over for you without Probate Court interference, you must designate a person or persons that you trust with the use of a Durable Power of Attorney.
A Health Care Proxy allows you to appoint someone you trust - for example, a family member or close friend to make decisions on your behalf about medical treatment options if you lose the ability to decide for yourself. Without a Health Care Proxy, your loved ones would have to petition the Probate Court for authority to make medical decisions on your behalf.
In addition to a Health Care Proxy, you should also have a Living Will which informs others of your preferred medical treatments such as the use of extraordinary measures should you become permanently unconscious or terminally ill.
At the Socius Law Firm, we have developed an expertise in planning for the well-being and care of children should the unthinkable happen. We call this advanced legal planning — Kids’ Safeguard Planning.
Kids’ Safeguard Planning is based on the premise that a Will alone is simply not enough to protect minor children should both parents die or become incapacitated.
If you are a parent of minor children, your estate plan needs to include Kids’ Safeguard Planning to ensure your children will always be taken care of by the people you want, in the way you want, and never put in a situation you wouldn’t like.