(508) 870-5759

(508) 870-5759

Planning for a Lifetime

How Socius Does Estate Planning Differently

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We custom design, implement and maintain a comprehensive plan for you that reflects your concerns, fears, goals and objectives. The result is a plan that will truly work for you and your family when you need it.

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We provide a complimentary Initial Planning Meeting in which we take the time to learn about you, your family and personal circumstance AND explain your estate planning options with zero confusion.

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Our estate planning services are provided on a flat-fee basis with all fees agreed to in advance. There are no hidden costs! You choose the level of planning/fee that works best for you and your family at the Initial Planning Meeting. And you can communicate with us as frequently as you like with any questions as we do not charge by the billable hour for estate planning.

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We view estate planning as an ongoing process that is reviewed and refined regularly to ensure your plan is up-to-date and consistent with your goals and circumstance. We include a complimentary review of your estate plans at least once every three years.

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All estate plans completed for clients with minor children include a comprehensive Kids' Safeguard Plan that will not only name long-term guardians, but short-term ones as well so that your kids will never be placed in a situation you wouldn't want in the case of your death or incapacity.

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We follow a team approach and work regularly with other professionals - including certified financial planners, investment & wealth advisors, financial consultants, insurance professionals, accountants and other advisors - to ensure that your goals and concerns are addressed from every angle.

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We offer a full-funding service to ensure your trust in properly funded. and will teach you how to keep your trust funded as your assets change into the future. That way, a simple oversight won't result in a long, expensive probate process for your loved ones.

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We are committed to continuing education. That means when we are not serving clients we are attending classes, webinars and reading about changes to the law as well as the newest estate and business planning techniques.

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We provide all clients access to our free educational seminars and webinars.

(508) 870-5759

(508) 870-5759